Frequently Asked Questions


What does TDK stand for?

The acronym stands for Scientific and Artistic Student Associaiton. The local (university-level) conference takes place in a spring and an autumn round, so twice a year. The event is also held at the national level, in the spring of every second year, this is the National Scientific and Artistic Student's Association Conference, OTDK.

What is the Scientific and Artistic Student Association?

According to the definition of the National Scientific and Artistic Student Association's Council (OTDT), the scientific and artistic student association is a form of self-education that promotes the deepening of knowledge related to the compulsory curriculum, the acquisition of knowledge that exceeds the training requirements, the curriculum, student research work, and artistic creative activity, and which also ensures publicity.

How can I participate in TDK?

You can enter the TDK with a thesis written on any topic, which you will present at the Conference in front of the Judging Committee, divided into sections. The preparation for the TDK is supported by supervisors.

Who can submit a TDK thesis?

Students with a student status can apply for the conference (participants in full time/correspondence/distance learning/FSZ training as well).

Distance learning and correspondence course student and students who have already obtained an absolution at the time of TDK entry can recieve a placement, but no monetary award.

Is it mandatory to choose from among the topics recommended by the departments?

A thesis can be written on any topic chosen by the student, the topics given by the departments are only recommendations. You can even start by developing a topic belonging to a different faculty compared to your student studies. It is necessary/recommended to negotiate with the supervisor.

How can I get a supervisor?

You can contact the lecturer dealing with the chosen topic or you can ask for help from the TDK representatives of the faculty.

Are there any regulations regarding the position of the supervisor?

An instructor of any degree or position, even a doctoral student, can be chosen as a supervisor.

How can I apply for the Conference?

You can find detailed information about the application HERE.

In what language can the thesis be prepared?

In the local round, the TDK head of the faculty decides on the acceptance of projects in a foreign language.

The language of the OTDK is Hungarian. The sections stipulate the rules for the acceptance and presentation of projects in a foreign language in their own calls.

What formal requirements apply to the thesis?

During the local rounds, the formal requirements contained in the current OTDK section calls must be used, in addition, please indicate the name, major, year and supervisor on the title page of the TDK thesis. (If the call for the next OTDK has not yet been published, the requirements of the previous national conference shall apply.)

In the case of participation in the national round, it is particularly important among the formal requirements whether the relevant section requests the thesis anonymously.

Can the TDK thesis be encrypted?

Since the TDK Conference is a public event at the local and national level, it is not possible to encrypt the fieldwork.


Can only graduate students participate in TDK? How many credits do you need to earn in order to participate in TDK?

TDK is not linked to credit and students of any year can participate. Moreover, it is recommended that the student start working as early as possible!

Can you write a TDK thesis only individually?

No, the thesis can be written by several people as co-authors, the number of authors is not maximized. In this case, the application process is as follows: An author fills out the Topic Recommendation form and receives an e-mail containing a link indicating the availability of the co-author application interface. By entering this link, you can apply as a co-author to an already existing topic on the Co-author application interface.

Can a student participate with only one paper?

A student has the opportunity to submit several projects, even in such a way that one is prepared with a co-author and the other individually.

Is it possible to apply for TDK with a diploma thesis?

Submitted and defended diploma theses cannot be nominated for local or national student conferences.

The thesis defended during the BA/BSc training cannot be taken at TDK during the MA/MSc training either.

Only one supervisor can be entered on the application interface. What should I do if I have more than one supervisor?

One of the supervisors must be registered as specified, write the names of the other Instructors to the TDT secretary, so they will be included in the program booklet and the register.

What should I do if my supervisor's name is not in the list of instructors on the TDK application interface?

Write an e-mail to the TDT secretary, Dóra Kocsis, and we will add your supervisor to the list.

How should students of the Faculty of Arts fill out the application form in the absence of an abstract?

The name of the Theme is the title(s) of the work(s) to be performed, and the description of the Theme is the section in which it will appear, and the description of the accompaniment. Attention: You can get to the OTDK by performing a piece of music, singing and composing. At the national round, however, the description of the concept of the performance art product must be submitted and presented.

Can I correct my submitted application?

The application that has already been submitted can only be corrected on the administration interface, so if there is a problem, write an e-mail to the TDT secretary, Dóra Kocsis. The title of the thesis cannot be changed, only in case of a typo.

How do I know if the application was successful?

All applicants automatically receive an e-mail notification about the electronic registration to the e-mail address used in the Neptun system.

How can my supervisor approve my application?

You must indicate your supervisor during registration, so the Supervisor will also receive an automatic message about your application. The Supervisor can accept or reject the entry using the buttons in the e-mail notification.

What are the requirements regarding the abstract, i.e. the extract?

The abstract should be a short, to-the-point summary of the thesis, not the first paragraph of the introduction. The scope of the summary is min. 1300, max. 2000 characters with spaces. Download sample abstracts

Do I have to submit the TDK paper in printed form?

It is not necessary to submit the TDK thesis in printed form.

I cannot upload my thesis, what could be the problem?

The thesis and any attachments can only be uploaded in a specified format, the course work in pdf, and the attachments as ZIP files. In both cases, the file size limit is 6 MB.

If the thesis contains many images and therefore exceeds the size limit, the size can be changed by reducing the dpi (resolution) value, or the document can be split into two files.

How do I know if I have successfully uploaded my thesis?

If the upload is successful, the documents will appear in the list under the label "My uploaded files".


What are the section schedules based on?

Based on the applications received, the lecturers in charge of TDK of the faculty and department prepare the section schedules, making sure that papers belonging to similar topics are placed in the same place. A section can start with a minimum of three projects. If too few or too many papers are received related to a topic area, it may happen that the given paper is reclassified to another section.

Who is the jury?

On the basis of the established section assignments, the lecturers responsible for TDK invite colleagues who are competent in the topics to undertake the duties of the jury. During the selection of the jury members, we make sure that all topics are represented professionally. Each jury has a student representative.

Can I only participate in the Conference as a competitor?

Of course not, the event is open, we welcome spectators to the performances!

What should I do if I applied for the conference but did not complete the thesis by the deadline?

If the thesis was not completed on time or if you changed your mind for some other reason send an e-mail to the secretary of the TDT so that we can adjust the schedule and the program accordingly.

How much time is available to present the thesis?

Students have a maximum of 15 minutes to present their theses orally. Afterwards, the lecturers and student representatives on the jury have the opportunity to ask questions.

In the case of students of the Faculty of Arts, how much time is available for the performance?

A minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 minutes are available for the performance.

Is it mandatory to use a university/faculty ppt background for the presentation?

No, the background and format of the presentation can be freely chosen. It is also possible to create a presentation. In this case, let the TDT secretary know so that we can check whether the necessary program is installed on the computer you will be using at the Conference.

How are the rankings decided?

The section jury determines the places achieved in each section. The evaluators receive the papers before the conference and on the evaluation sheet, they score the papers according to specific criteria and ask questions and write comments. The score sheets can be viewed the week after the conference at the TDT secretary, Dóra Kocsis.

The section's jury score the presentation according to the given criteria. The jury - headed by the president of the section - sums up the points received for the thesis and presentation and determines the ranking.

How can I find out about the results?

On the day of the Conference, the presentations of the sections will be followed by a ceremony, the date and location of which can be found on the website, the TDK Facebook page, and the program booklet for the participants and interested parties.

The results will be posted on the website within a few days after the Conference.

How will I find out if the jury has recommended me for the OTDK?

The students will receive an e-mail notification in the days following the Conference, and the list will be posted on the website as well.

How many credits are there for participating in the TDK and for placing?

Students do not receive credit, only if the student took the subject Innovation and research communication in the semester and presented the thesis as a completion of it.

Do students in the local round receive a monetary reward?

Depending on the number of speakers in each section, I., II, III. placement and a special prize can be awarded, which results in a monetary reward. Yes, a placement, but a distance learning and correspondence course student, as well as a student who has already obtained an absolution at the time of TDK entry, cannot receive a monetary reward! The rewards are paid by the University by bank transfer based on the data registered in the Study Department.

Does the right to participate in the OTDK automatically come with achieving a placement?

Placements and the right to start at the OTDK are independent of each other. Students can enter the national competition depending on the jury's recommendation, so those who did not get a place can also get the right, and vice versa, it may happen that the jury does not recommend a placed student to the OTDK.

The order of the placements is primary when making decisions. OTDK nominations other than the placements are justified in writing by the jury.

Do I have to write a new thesis for the OTDK?

The thesis entered for the national round must be identical in content to the fieldwork presented at the local round; only formal corrections can be made in accordance with the relevant section call.

If you want to change the content of the thesis, you must start again at the local round with the improved thesis, and then you must obtain OTDK authorization again.

For further questions you can contact Dóra Kocsis, secretary of the Scientific and Artistic Student Association Council (TDT), e-mail address: