During the local TDK rounds, the evaluation is made according to the scoring sheets created by the Scientific and Artistic Student Association’s Council. A maximum of 45 points can be obtained with the written thesis, and a maximum of 30 points with the oral presentation. In the case of local rounds, there are no general guidelines regarding the format, we recommend to follow the current notice of the OTDK section related to the topic.

Score sheets for the local round:

  • Written score sheet
  • Oral presentation score sheet

At the national competition, the individual sections determine the scoring system themselves. Most of the section calls contain a description of the judging process, as well as the evaluation criteria and the value of the points that can be assigned to each criteria. In most cases, thesises are evaluated by one or two independent reviewers, and a minimum value is determined in relation to the average value of the scores formed on the basis of the opinions. A project that does not reach this limit, cannot be presented at the OTDK event.